Dairy Cows
"Cost-effective and top quality product"
"Shinier coats and generally healthier looking cows”
"SCC has halved, cows don't seem to suffer from infections as they did in the past"
“Good natural product”
“Very good in spring when grass is fast growing”
“Assists in clean-up of breeding canal after calving”
“effective, especially around calving and drying off for general health benefits”
“Makes magnesium more palatable”
“Healthier immune system”
“Cows drink more water”
“Settles stomach”
“Helps with calving...assists cattle to recover faster”
Take a moment to read the testimonials from two valued Redwood Animal Health dairy farm customers

Steers / Calves
- "All my calves are very healthy, never catch colds, etc"
- "Glossy coats, bright eyes; keeps flies at bay"
- “Complements working program”
- “Prevents blood clots – rich in selenium and powerful healing properties”
- “Natural antibiotic”
- “Extra vitamin C”
- “Cows don’t have bad breath”
- “Added immune protection”

- “We are so thankful we had the cider...!” (sheep stud farm – using ACV 4 months)
- “ACV has a lot of benefits. I did not realize ‘till I used it. Healthier stock – increased lambing %.”
- “Stock seem to be in good condition and holding up well going into winter…”
- "Improves the quality and yield of wool"
- "Powerful healing, cleansing, and natural antibiotic and antiseptic qualities"

- "Definitely develops a high immune system”
- “ACV is a palatable liquid which horses accept readily in any feed. It definitely strengthens the immune system and builds a strong antioxidant system. Our horses are always very healthy. I am a strong promoter of ACV.” (using ACV + garlic + honey for 25 years – has 20-40 race horses)
- “ACV is great for mares because of the potassium – helps with birth. Helps in the coat colour. It maintains the pH in the body, making my mare and young horses healthier. I also use ACV on cuts, etc. Helps healing and prevents scarring and any mild skin conditions. It’s good stuff. It also helps stop stones in the urethra or kidneys. Keeps the stallion in good form. First Aid Kit: spray with ACV and olive oil and cover with black pepper.” (using ACV + garlic for 10 years – purebred quarter horses for show and breeding)
- “Prevents difficult births with breeding mares and stallion and given to working horses daily”
- “When I’ve had injuries, I drench the horse with ACV which has reduced the need for antibiotics as the wounds don’t become infected. ACV is a wonderful product and the best thing to give your animals to keep them in good health.” (using ACV + garlic + honey for 5 years – horses and cows)

- "Increased their lay"
- "Easy addition to a flock's diet for good health and boosted immune systems"
- "Healthier chickens without breaking the bank"
- "Prevents worms and other potential health issues"
- "Adding ACV to your chickens diet is an easy way to supply probiotics, vitamins, minerals and trace elements to your flock. I highly recommend anyone add it to their backyard chicken care arsenal."

- “Helps with digestive problems in piglets”
- "Better feed efficiency"
- "Spraying Redwood Cider Vinegar over the pigs, helps to treat skin conditions"
Read the testimonials from two valued Redwood Animal Health customers:
Dairy farmer - Whangarei
We have been using Redwood Cider Vinegar for at least 7 years.
We started using it as an aid to control our somatic cell count, which at the time could often exceed 300,000 and usually averaged 180,000 to 200,000.
While we use other policies as well such as careful culling, teat spray and some antibiotics, our cell count has come down and stayed down. The average count has been below 100,000 the last 3 years.
This season we averaged 60,000 to 70,000 for bulk of the season only climbing to 120,000 – 150,000 for the last 3-4 weeks of milking. Four cows were treated for infections during season and 30 cows given dry cow on drying off in a herd of 190. There were no cows culled for mastitis.
Other benefits we have found are:
Cows drink water even when products such as zinc added. They love the taste.
Use all year round.
Have had no bloat cases in seven years – not one.
Calve all cows in 4-5 weeks that is all I mate for, this year we have 5 empty cows and 1 empty heifer. I am a once a day milker.
As to how much we use that varies during the year. For the first 2 months after calving we use 1.5 litres for every 100 cows per day. Bulk of the season, 1 litre per 100 cows. Last month of season, 1.5 litres per 100 cows. During drying off period, 1 litre per 100 cows every second or third day.
Product is simply added to water supply.J M

Dairy farmer - Te Aroha
I am pleased to acknowledge the benefits my mixed herd of Jerseys, Friesians, and Friesian – cross cows, Heifers and weaner calves have received over the last few years from the use of Redwood Cider Vinegar with Garlic.
I should add to that the benefits in the way of peace of mind, that my herd manager and myself have received from not having to deal with ‘downer’ cows at calving time or coping with rye-grass staggers.
Any cow with the least sign of the latter condition receives a “tonic” of Redwood Cider Vinegar with garlic, zinc and molasses.
We do not have problems with bloat. We have not lost a cow in the last fourteen years with bloat. Our herd mastitis problems are fewer in spite of our tendency to hold on to some “old faithfuls”.
Last season we received a certificate of achievement from Fonterra for cow somatic cell count.
Because we use zinc as a facial eczema preventative, we believe that the Cider Vinegar with garlic makes the water more palatable for the cows.
This spring has not been an easy one – cold, rather bleak and dry – poorer than usual grass growth. However, in spite of such conditions the cows look quite sleek.
All in all, I consider Redwood Cider Vinegar with Garlic to be a vital part of my organic – certificate farming program; frankly, I don’t think I could afford to live without it!
Long may you continue to process it.

We'd love to hear from you
We would like to hear your comments, recommendations and success stories regarding Redwood Cider Vinegar. Your feedback may be published on this site for the benefit of other customers.
Send us an email with your first name, email address and city and answer the following questions:
Which Redwood Animal Health product(s) you have tried or use regularly?
Your comments, recommendations, or successes?
Redwood Animal Health reserves the right to edit your submissions for space purposes before publication on our website.